J-GLOBAL ID:202402260848941079整理番号:24A2619049
Enhancing the mechanical properties of polylactic acid (PLA) composite films using Pueraria lobata root microcrystalline cellulose
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Zhu Borui
Zhu Borui について
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
Zhu Borui
Zhu Borui について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Zhao Shuang
Zhao Shuang について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Zhao Shuang
Zhao Shuang について
(Zhangjiajie College, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Zhangjiajie College, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Guo Jie
Guo Jie について
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
Guo Jie
Guo Jie について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Song Ke
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
Song Ke
Song Ke について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
He Jian
He Jian について
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
He Jian
He Jian について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Liu Shima
Liu Shima について
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
Liu Shima
Liu Shima について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
Zhou Xianwu
Zhou Xianwu について
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China について
Zhou Xianwu
Zhou Xianwu について
(Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products and Chemical Industry Engineering, National and Local United Engineering Laboratory of Integrative Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides, Jishou University, Zhangjiajie 427000, China について
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(International Journal of Biological Macromolecules)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules について
逐次刊行物 (A)
オランダ (NLD)言語:
英語 (EN)
抄録/ポイント: 抄録/ポイント 文献の概要を数百字程度の日本語でまとめたものです。
シソーラス用語: シソーラス用語/準シソーラス用語 文献のテーマを表すキーワードです。
機械的性質 について
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準シソーラス用語: シソーラス用語/準シソーラス用語 文献のテーマを表すキーワードです。
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ポリ乳酸 について
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微結晶セルロース について
- 「微結晶セルロース」ですべてを検索
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Pueraria lobata(Willd.)Ohwi について
3-アミノプロピルトリエトキシシラン について
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ポリ(ブチレンアジペート-co-テレフタレート) について
分類(2件): 分類
充填剤,補強材 について
機械的性質 について
タイトルに関連する用語(8件): タイトルに関連する用語
Pueraria について
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根 について
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微結晶セルロース について
- 「微結晶セルロース」ですべてを検索
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ポリ乳酸 について
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PLA について
- 「PLA」ですべてを検索
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複合膜 について
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機械特性 について
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増強 について
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