Program: Software Engineering, BS - San José State University (2025)

Jul 03, 2024
2022-2023 Academic Catalog

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2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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The Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering (BSSE), offered by theDepartment of Computer Engineering, goes beyond programming to include engineering methodologies and hands-on project experience. The program prepares students to become qualified engineers for IT leading companies in Silicon Valley and international engineering market by providing them with state-of-the-art engineering methods, emergent technologies, team work experience, and solutions so they are capable to address design, coding, validation, and measurement issues for the construction of large-scale computer systems and software applications in the real world.

  • Program Learning Outcomes

Summary of Degree Units

University Graduation Requirements24
Major Preparation33
Major Requirements66

Program Roadmaps

The 4-YearRoadmapis available online. Roadmaps should be used in consultation with the catalog and your advisor to identify additional requirements for completing the major (for example, course grade minimums). Associate Degrees (ADT) Pathwaysare also available online.

Major-Specific Graduation Requirements

All courses in the Preparation and Required in Major (all courses in preparation, core, and concentration) must be completed with a grade of “C- or better”. The following Preparation for the Major courses must be completed with a grade of “C or better”: MATH 30,MATH 31, andPHYS 50.

University Requirements

Students must satisfy all of the major andUndergraduate University Graduation Requirements, which includes unit, GPA, and residency requirements as well as the below identified General Education, American Institutions, Graduation Writing Assessment, and Physical Education requirements. Courses that meet Undergraduate University Graduation Requirementsare noted with an area designation (seeCourse Abbreviations).

Exceptions for University Graduation Requirementsapply to this major.

Core Lower Division General Education (15 units)

Of the 39 units required by the university, 24units may be satisfied by coursework outlined below. Courses that meet GE Areas A1, A2, A3, B4, or F must be passed with a “C-” or better to meet the requirement. Consult with a major advisor for details.Of the 39 units, the following 15 units are not satisfied by the major or the American Institutions courses outlined below:

  • GE Area A1 - Oral Communication3 units
  • GE Area A2 - Written Communication I 3 units
  • GE Area C1 - Arts3 units
  • GE Area C1 or C23 units
  • GE Area F - Ethnic Studies3 units

Upper Division General Education

Of the 9 units required by the university, 9 units may be satisfied by coursework outlined below. Consult with major advisor for details.

American Institutions (6 units)

Complete one6-unit sequence of American Institutions (US123)courses, which also satisfiesGE AreaD. Students may also satisfy theAmerican Institutions Requirementwith other courses, but these may not satisfy other GE areas.

TheAmerican Studies (AMS 1A/AMS 1B; 12 units) and Humanities Honors (HUM 1A/HUM 1B/HUM 2A/HUM 2B; 24 units) sequences satisfy the American Institutions Requirement and additional GE Areas (seecourse descriptions for details).

Consult with a major advisor to select the appropriate sequence.

African American Studies (6 units)

  • AFAM 2A - African Americans and the Development of America’s History and Government 3 unit(s) (D)
  • AFAM 2B - African Americans and the Development of America’s History and Government 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

Asian American Studies (6 units)

  • AAS 33A - Asian Americans in U.S. History I 3 unit(s) (D)
  • AAS 33B - Asian Americans in U.S. History II 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

Chicana and Chicano Studies (6 units)

  • CCS 10A - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government 3 unit(s) (D)
  • CCS 10B - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

U.S. History and Government (6 units)

Complete One US1: US History Course

  • AMS 10 - Stories that Make America 3 unit(s) (C2+US1)
  • HIST 15 - Essentials of U.S. History 3 unit(s) (D+US1)

Complete One US23: US Constitution and California Government Course

  • 3 unit(s) (D+US23)
  • POLS 16 - Power and Ideas in American Politics 3 unit(s) (C2+US23)

Physical Education

The Physical Education Requirement is waived for this major.See theExceptions for University Graduation Requirements.

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (3 units)

At SJSU, students must pass both the SJSU Writing Skills Test (WST)and a Writing in the Disciplines (100W) course.Exceptions to the GWAR may be found in the Undergraduate Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR)section.A grade of C or better (C- not accepted) is required to meet graduation requirement

  • ENGR 100W - Engineering Reports

    3 unit(s) (WID+R)

Major Preparation (33 units)

Students must complete the following courses with “C” or better to graduate: MATH 30,MATH 31,PHYS 50. The remaining courses in Preparation for the Major must be completed with “C-” or better to graduate.

  • BIOL 10 - The Living World 3 unit(s) (B2)
  • ENGL 1B - Argument and Analysis 3 unit(s) (C2) (or equivalent second semester composition course.)
  • MATH 30 - Calculus I 3 unit(s) (B4)
  • MATH 31 - Calculus II 4 unit(s) (B4)
  • MATH 32 - Calculus III 3 unit(s) (B4)
  • MATH 42 - Discrete Mathematics 3 unit(s)
  • PHYS 50 - General Physics/Mechanics 4 unit(s) (B1+B3)
  • PHYS 51 - General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism 4 unit(s) (B1+B3)

Complete One Course From:

  • MATH 33LA - Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3 unit(s)
  • MATH 142 - Introduction to Combinatorics 3 unit(s)

Complete One Course From:

  • ISE 130 - Engineering Probability and Statistics 3 unit(s)
  • MATH 161A - Applied Probability and Statistics I 3 unit(s)

Major Requirements (66 units)

Students must complete all the courses in Core Courses, Required Courses and Approved Upper Division Electives sections with “C-” or better to graduate.

Core Courses (11 units)

  • CS 46A - Introduction to Programming 4 unit(s)
  • CS 46B - Introduction to Data Structures 4 unit(s)
  • ENGR 10 - Introduction to Engineering 3 unit(s) (E)

Major Courses (49 units)

Note: Must Complete CMPE 195A/CMPE 195Band ENGR 195A/ENGR 195Bwith Cor Better to meet GE Area requirements

  • CMPE 102 - Assembly Language Programming 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 120 - Computer Organization and Architecture 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 131 - Software Engineering I 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 133 - Software Engineering II 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 148 - Computer Networks I 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 165 - Software Engineering Process Management 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 172 - Enterprise Software Platforms 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 187 - Software Quality Engineering 3 unit(s)
  • CMPE 195A - Senior Design Project I 2 unit(s) (S)
  • CMPE 195B - Senior Design Project II 3 unit(s) (V)
  • ENGR 195A - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (S)
  • ENGR 195B - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (V)
  • CS 146 - Data Structures and Algorithms 3 unit(s)
  • CS 149 - Operating Systems 3 unit(s)
  • CS 151 - Object-Oriented Design 3 unit(s)
  • CS 157A - Introduction to Database Management Systems 3 unit(s)
  • CS 166 - Information Security 3 unit(s)
  • ISE 164 - Computer and Human Interaction 3 unit(s)

Approved Upper Division Electives (6 units)

Selected in consultation with the student’s advisor

Total Units Required (123 units)

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Program: Software Engineering, BS - San José State University (2025)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.