Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (2024)

Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Lost Lands 7: Redemption. The heart of the ancient god of magic Draka Ula was discovered in Greenland. Susan and her son go on an expedition to deliver the artifact to the Lost Lands. They will not only have to penetrate a closed facility and steal a heart, but also build a portal to another world. The article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (1)

  1. General Tips
  2. Part 1 Heart
  3. Part 2 Staff
  4. Part 3 Drak St
  5. Bonus Chapter
  6. Ghost and Collectibles

Lost Lands 7: General Tips

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (2)

An anomalous zone has been discovered in Greenland, where expeditions from all over the world go. Historians and mythologists are trying to find out if the cave with ancient artifacts is a temple or a portal to another world. And all because there was discovered a giant heart of a mythical deity - the god Drak Ula.

Susan of the Lost Lands volunteered to return the artifact to the world of magic at any cost. And her son will help her in this. Together they will begin a journalistic investigation that will lead them first to a closed facility, and then to another world. They have to search for manuscripts, ancient artifacts, study secret documents and reports of research expeditions, solve puzzles and open caches.

In addition to the main tasks, the location will offer to complete additional ones: collect ghostly and collectible items. In order not to lose the plot thread, it is worth starting a diary and entering all the necessary information there. In a difficult situation, you can use a hint.

This walkthrough will not tell you every time that you need to approach a certain place, each such scene will be shown in the screenshots. The Hidden Object scenes are named HOP. Only the location of the HOP will be shown. Use the Map to quickly move between locations.

Lost Lands 7: Part 1 Heart

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (3)

Drag (A-B). Solve the HOP (B). WBS solution (@); place the figure as shown. Receive ROPE. Take the LADDER and KEY (C). Use KEY on (D); press (Dx2), get SPHERICAL STONE and SCISSORS. Use the ROPE and SCISSORS on the LADDER; receive the LADDER. Use LADDER on (E).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (4)

Solution (@1): press (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (5)

Collect the STEL SHARDS (1/8), STEL SHARDS (2/8), STEL SHARDS (3/8), STEL SHARDS (4/8), STEL SHARDS (5/8) , STEL SHARDS (6/8), SHARDS STELES (7/8), STEL SHARDS (8/8) and CENTER PIECE (F). Use STEEL SHARDS (8/8) and CENTER PIECE and press (G).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (6)

Solution (@ 2).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (7)

Go (H). Receive FRAMED CRYSTAL (I). Use FRAMED CRYSTAL on (J); receive PARTICLE VESSEL and HATCH KEY. Use HATCH KEY on (K). Take the CONTROL PIECE (L). Use the CONTROL PIECE and press (Mx3). Press (N). Go (O). Use VESSEL FOR PARTICLES on (P).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (8)

Solution (@3): Drag (1-2) - (3-4) - (5-6). receive VOID PARTICLES.

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (9)

Press (QRSTU). Take REMOTE (V). Use REMOTE on (U); press (Wx2). Go (X).

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Solution (@ 4).

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Take PHONE MEMORY (Y). Use PHONE MEMORY and press (Zx4). Press (A).

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Solution (@5): Press (4-8-1-5-1-6-2-3-4-2-10). Receive MONEY, KNIFE and KEY.

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Use the KEY on (B) and press (C). Solve the HOP (D). HOP Solution (@): Arrange the balls as shown. Receive BAG WITH LAPTOP. Use LAPTOP BAG; receive LAPTOP. Use LAPTOP and press (Ex3).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (14)

Press (FGH-Ix4-JK). Press (L); receive BOTTLES WITH WATER. Go (M).

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Solution (@6).

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Go (N). Press (O); receive BANDAGE. Press (Px2); receive the LAXATIVE. Press (Qx2). Take the COOKIES (R); press (R). Press (S). Take the EMPTY KETTLE and MUG (T). Use KNIFE on (U) and press (V); receive a BOTTLE OF WATER. Press and use BOTTLE OF WATER on (W). Use EMPTY KETTLE on (X); receive a KETTLE WITH WATER.

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Use the KETTLE OF WATER and press (Y). Use MUG and press (Z); use the LAXATIVE on (Z). Drag (1-2)-(3-Z)-(YZ)-(1-Z); receive COFFEE. Take COFFEE (A). Press (B); receive GREEN KEY CARD. Go to camp. Use GREEN KEY CARD on (C). Use COFFEE on (D).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (18)

Solution (@7): Press (EFGH).

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Press (I). Go (J). Use GREEN KEY CARD on (K).

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Solution (@8).

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Use GREEN KEY CARD on (L), press (M); receive RUNIC STONE. Press (Nx2) - (Ox2) - (Px2) - (Qx2) - (Rx2) - (Sx2) - (Tx2) - (Ux2); receive BLUE KEY CARD. Use BLUE KEY CARD on (V) and press (W). Solve the HOP (X). WBS solution (@ 1); press (3-6-4-1-3-6-5-2). HOP solution (@2): press (7x3) - (8x4) - (9x2). Receive RUNIC STONE. Go to Camp.

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Use BLUE KEY CARD on (Y) and press (Z). Take the CRANE CABIN KEY (A). Press (B) and (C). Use KNIFE on (D); receive a HOSE. Use HOSE on (B). Go to Camp.

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (23)


Go to the Ruins. Use ANGLE GRINDER (I); receive ARMATURE. Use ARMATURE on (J); receive a LANTERN. Press (Jx7); receive a CANISTER. Use CANISTER and select (K); select (L); take the FUEL CAN. Go to Camp. Use CAN OF FUEL on (H). Press (Gx2).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (24)

Solution (@9). Go to the Ruins.

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Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (26)

Solution (@10): press (3-4-2-3 1-3).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (27)

Use VOID PARTICLES on (N). Go to Drakov Square. Press (Ox2); receive STONE GATE KEY. Use STONE GATE KEY on (P). Go (Q).

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Take the LION BAS-RELIEF and HILT (R). Use HANDLE and press (S). Solve the HOP (S); receive a BAS-RELIEF FACE. Use KNIFE and press (T); receive LION BAS-RELIEF. Use LION BAS-RELIEF on (U), use FACE BAS-RELIEF on (V), use LION BAS-RELIEF on (W). Go (X).

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Lost Lands 7: Part 2 Staff

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (30)

Take the HILAMIR PENDANT (Y). Go to Drakov Square. Use HILAMIR PENDANT (Z). Go (A). Press (VxZ); use HILAMIR PENDANT (C). Press (D). Go (E).

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Solution (@ 12).

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Go (F). Press (1-2-3). Go (G). Click (Hx2). Use KNIFE on (I); receive a CANDLE. Use CANDLE on (J); receive a BURNING CANDLE. Use BURNING CANDLE on (H); receive a BOWL. Go to Drak Square.

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Use BOWL on (I); take BOWL OF WATER. Go to Hilamyr’s House. Press (J). Use KNIFE on (K); press (Kx2), take HILAMIR’S BOX and AX. Go to the Hidden Room. Use BOWL OF WATER on (L). Click (Mx2). Use HILAMIR’S BOX; press (N).

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Solution (@ 13).

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Receive ROUND TILE and HILAMIR’S DIARY. Go to Hilamyr’s House. Use HILAMIR’S DIARY and press (Ox2). Go to the Hidden Room. Use AX on (P). Use ROUND TILE on (Q).

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Solution (@ 14).

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Go (R). Use LANTERN on (S). Solve the HOP (T); receive MECHANICAL PALM. Take the SAW (U). Use KNIFE on (V); receive ROPE. Use SAW on (W); receive the METEOR STONE. Use ROPE and press (X).

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Press (Yx3); receive MECHANICAL PALM. Use MECHANICAL PALM and MECHANICAL PALM on (Z). Go (A). Press (Bx4). Use the METEOR STONE on (C).

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Solution (@40): Go (Up x3)-(Up x2)-(Right x3-Up x3)-(Up-Left x2)-(Left x4-Up)-(Up x3)-

(Right-Up)-(Up 3)-(Up x2) -(Up x2)-(Right x3)-(Up 2-Left)-(Up x2)-(Left-Up x2)-(Up x2).

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Solution (@ 15).

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Take the FORGE PLIERS (D). Press (EF); receive the SHOVEL. Use FORGING PLIERS on (G); receive a FIRE SHARD. Use FIRE SHARD on (F); receive PLIERS. Press (H). Go to the Bridge. Use SPATULA on (I); receive RAW CLAY. Go to the Temple Doors. Use RAW CLAY on (J); press (JE) - (K). Use FORGING PLIERS on (E); receive the BAKED BOWL.

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Use BAKED BOWL on (L); solve the HOP; take the POTION OF EQUALITY OF FORCE. Use POTION OF EQUALITY OF FORCE on (M). Press (Nx2); receive MOON TILE. Press (Ox2). Press (P).

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Solution (@16): Drag (QR) until the tile is revealed. Receive MOON TILE.

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Go (S). Take DAMAGED MULTITOL, KEY, and LANTERN (T). Use DAMAGED MULTITOOL on (U); receive a GREEN BARREL. Use DAMAGED MULTITOOL on (V); receive the BLUE BARREL. Go to the Ulakian Sanctuary.

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Use DAMAGED MULTITOOL on (W); receive a DESK LID. Use the BLUE BARREL and GREEN BARREL on the DESK LID; receive a RAFT. Go to the bottom of the gorge. Use RAFT on (X). Go (X). Go (Y). Press (Z). Solve the HOP (A). HOP solution (@): Press (1-2-3x3) - (4-1-4-1-4-1) - (2-1-2-1-2) - (3-2-3-2- 3-4-3). Receive MOON TILE.

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Press (In2); receive the ULA SEAL. Press (Dx2). Take the KEY (D). Go to the bottom of the gorge. Use KEY and press (E); receive MOON TILE. Go to the Ulakian Sanctuary. Use the STAMP OF THE ULA on (F); receive MOON TILE. Go to the Temple of the Universe. Use MOON TILE, MOON TILE, MOON TILE, MOON TILE, and MOON TILE on (G).

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Solution (@ 17).

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Press (Hx2), press (Ix2), press (J), press (Kx3). Take the SPEAR HEAD (L). Go to Secret Drop. Use the KEY and press (Mx3) to get the STAFF HEAD. Go to Dracoy Square. Go (N).

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Press (O); solve the HOP; receive a PIECE OF CLOTH. Go (P). Press (Qx3); use COOKIES on (R); take HORN. Go (C).

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Press (T). Press (Ux3); receive WOLF SKULL. Go (V).

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Take the KEY (W). Press (X). Go to the Giants’ Settlement.

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Use KEY and press (Yx2); receive DRAWING OF SLED AND SCOOP. Use SCOOP on (Z); receive SCOOP WITH COALS. Go to Mountain Lake. Use SCOOP WITH COALS on (A); receive FISH SKULL. Use SLAGE DRAWING on (B).

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Solution (@ 18).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (54)

Press (C). Take the SNAKE SKULL (D). Go to Giant’s Path. Go (E); receive an EAGLE SKULL. Go to the Giants’ Settlement. Use SNAKE SKULL on (F), use EAGLE SKULL on (G), use FISH SKULL on (H), use WOLF SKULL on (I). Go (J).

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Take the BOARD WITH NAILS (K). Go (L). Click (Mx2). Go to the Giants’ Settlement. Use BOARD WITH NAILS on (N); drag (O-N); take GIANT NAILS. Go to Mountain Lake. Use GIANT NAILS on (P); drag (QP) - (RP). Press (S). Go (T).

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Solution (@19): press (2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1).

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Press (Ux4); receive a PIECE OF BARK. Go to Sacred Hill. Go (V).

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Solution (@20): press (3-4-5-6-7). Receive the SHARD OF THE SUN. Go to the Shaman’s Tent.

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Use HORN on (W). Press (X); receive BROKEN JUG and LONG STICK. Go to Sacred Hill.

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Use LONG STICK (Z); take the PIECE OF CLOTH. Go to the Shaman’s Tent. Use PIECE OF CLOTH and PIECE OF CLOTH on (A). Go (B).

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Solution (@21).

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Press (C). Solve the HOP (D). HSS solution (@). Receive the TABLET OF KNOWLEDGE. Go to Dragon Tooth Rock. Use SHARD OF THE SUN on (E). Press (Fx2). Press (E). Use TABLE OF KNOWLEDGE on (G). Receive a PIECE OF BARK. Go to Giant’s Path.

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Use BROKEN JUG on (Y); take the GIANT BLOOD and go to the Mountain Lake. Use GIANT BLOOD on (H). Go to Dragon Tooth Rock. Go (I).

Lost Lands 7: Part 3 Drak St

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (64)

Go to Dragon Tooth Rock. Take the PIECE OF BARK (J). Go to the Tree of Giants. Use PIECE OF BARK and PIECE OF BARK on (K). Press (L). Press (M) and (N). Go (Oh).

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Solution (@22): press (A-C), drag (15-down), press (B), drag (14-right), press (A), drag (19-up)-(14-down), press (C-A), drag (9-down)-(8-right)-(13-up), press (A-C), drag (18-up), press (Ax2), drag (17-right) ), press (A), drag (12-down), press (Ax2-C), drag (7-down), press (A), drag (6-right), press (Ax2), drag (11-up ), press (C), drag (16-up)-(11-down), press (C), drag (6-down), press (C-A), drag (1-down)-(2-left ), press (D), drag (3-left), press (A-D), drag (4-left), press (D-A), drag (5-left), press (Ax3), drag (10 -up).

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Solve the HOP (P); receive STORM PAINT. Use STORM PAINT and STONE KNIFE on (Q). Use SPEAR HEAD and SPEAR HEAD on (R).

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (67)

Go. Press (T). Press (Ux2); receive GUN TONGS. Press (V). Press (Wx3). Press (Xx2); receive a STICK. Use STICK on (Y). Press (Zx6); receive a CAR. Use CAR on (A).

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Solution (@23). Receive the KEY.

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Use KEY and press (XO); receive METAL CONSTRUCTION. Use the METAL CONSTRUCTOR on the TONGS GUN; receive GUN TONGS. Use GUN TONGS on (C). Press (D). Go (E).

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Press (Fx2); take TOY CLOWN and HAMMER. Use NAIL HAMMER and select (Gx2). Click (Hx2); receive TOY FLASHLIGHT. Use the TOY CLOWN on the TOY FLASHLIGHT; receive TOY FLASHLIGHT. Use TOY FLASHLIGHT on (G). Solve the HOP (I); receive STEPLADDER. Use STEPLADDER on (J).

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Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (72)

Use DAMAGED MULTITOOL on (L); receive an EMERALD. Go to the Giants’ Settlement. Use EMERALD and EMERALD on (M).

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Solution (@24); Arrange as shown (1-2-3-4-5). Receive POWER STONE. Go to Sacred Hill.

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Use DAMAGED MULTITOOL and press (Nx5); receive the SCREEN. Go to the Giant Tree. Use STENCIL on (O), use LANTERN on (P). Go (Q).

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Solution (@25).

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Go (R). Press (S). Go (T). Take the FLAGPOLE (U). Press (V). Press (W); receive BUNCH OF KEYS. Go to Citadel Ruins.

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Use BUNCH OF KEYS on (X). Go (Y). Press (Zx2); receive SARCOPHAGUS ELEMENT. Use BUNCH OF KEYS on (A). Solve the HOP (B). WBS solution (@); arrange the tiles as shown. Receive TWO-HANDED SAW. Use FLAGPOLE on (C), use STONE KNIFE on (D), press (E); receive FLAGPOLE PARTS. Go to Citadel Ruins.

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Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (79)

Solution (@26): press (8x3)-(16)-(8x2)-(5x3)-(16)-(8x3)-(11)-(2x3)-(12)-(3x3)-(5x3) -(15)-(7x3)-(14)-(4x3)-(13)-(6x2)-(13)-(4x3)-(14)-(10)-(2x3)-(9)-( 4x3) (1x3). Receive the HAMMER. Go to the Citadel Cellar.

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Use HAMMER on (H); take the SHACKLES. Go to the Top of the Tower. Use X-STAND, FLAGPOLE PARTS, and HAMMER on (I). Use STONE on (J). Go to Citadel Ruins. Press (K); receive GIANT AMULET and ROPE END. Go to the Tree of Giants.

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Use END OF ROPE on (L). Go to the Citadel Cellar. Use GIANT AMULET and press (Mx3); receive MONOCULAR. Go to the Top of the Tower. Use MONOCULAR on (N). Press (O).

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Drag (P)-(Q). Press (R).

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Solution (@27).

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Press (S).

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Solution (@28): Move (1-2).

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Use Shackles and HAMMER on (T).

Lost Lands 7: Bonus Chapter

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Go (U). Go (V). Go to Dragon’s Tooth Rock. Take the WHALE RIB (W). Go to the Dead Garden. Use WHALE RIB on (X). Go to Dragon’s Tooth Rock. Solve the HOP (Y). HOP solution (@): press (7-6-1-4-2-3-5).

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Take FRAME, STONE PANEL (Z). Press (A); receive a HINT. Use HINT on (B); press (Bx1)-(Dx2)-(Dx3). Take the STONE PANEL and DWARF GLOVE (E). Use STONE PANEL and STONE PANEL on (F).

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Solution (@28).

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Go (G). Press (H). Press (Ix2); receive SPACE PIERCER. Take TRIANGULAR ELEMENT (J). Use TRIANGULAR ELEMENT on (H). Use SPACE PIERCER; press (K). Get down.

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Receive BROKEN BARREL (L). Go (M).

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Solution (@30): Press (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-1)-(6-3)-(7-3), (8-9)-(10-11) (8 -10)-(9-12)-(8-9)-(10-13)-(14-15)-(15-16), (17-18)-(19-20)-(21-22 )-(19-18)-(23-24), (25-26)-(25-27)-(28-29)-(26-30)-(28-31)-(29-32)- (26-33)-(27-32)-(26-34)-(26-34)-(29-35),

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(36-37)-(38-39)-(40-41)-(42-43)-(42 44)-(42-45)-(46-47)-(48-49), (50- 51)-(52-51)-(53-54)-(52-55)-(56-57)-(57-58)-(55-59)-(60-61),(62-63) -(64-65)-(62-66)-(65-67)-(68-69). Receive RIM POLE and SPEAR HEAD.

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Press (N); take WASKSTONES. Climb up. Use SPEARHEAD on (O); receive ROPE. Use SPEARHEAD on (P); receive MOH. Use the RIM, MOSS, and SPEARHEAD on the BROKEN BARREL; receive a BARREL. Use the ROPE on the WINDSKINS; receive FLOATS. Use SPACE PIERCER; press (Q). Use BARREL, FLOATS, and POLE on (R). Go (S).

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Take TRIANGULAR ELEMENT, RIGHT EYE, MACHETE, and MUG (T). Press (Ux2); receive CONSTELLATIONS, press (U). Use MUG on (V). Use MACHETE on (W). Press (X). Use CONSTELLATIONS on (Y).

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Solution (@31).

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Go (Z). Take the LIPS (A). Go (B).

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Take EYES, CENTER PIECE, LEFT EYE, and BUTTON (C). Press (D); use BUTTON and press (E). Press (F) and (G). Press (E). Go down. Use CENTER PIECE on (H).

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Solution (@32): Press (1-8-2-16-8-15-3-10-15-8)-(16-2-8-15-2-9-15-8-4-18) . (8-15-9-2-15-1-10-17-1-8-2)-(16-8-15-5-12-15-1-16-9-1). (8-17-3-8-1-9-16-1-8)-(16-2-8-1-18-11-1-8-2-16-8). (1-16-9-1-15-9-2-15-8-2)-(16-8-15-3-10-15-1-16-9).

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(@32a) (1-8-6-20-8-1-9-16-1-15-10)-(3-15-8-16-2-8-1-11-18-1). (8-2-16-8-15-3-10-15-1-16)-(9-1-8-18-4-8-15-9-2-15). (1-10-17-1-8-2-16-8-1-16)-(9-1-8-17-3-8-15-9-2-15). (1-12-19-1-15-2-9-15-8-3)-(17-8-15-9-2-15-1-17). (10-1-15-2-9-15-8-4-18-8-15).

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(@32b) (9-2-15-1-10-17-1-8-2)-(16-8-15-7-14-15-8-16-2-8). (1-17-10-1-8-2-16-8-15-10)-(3-15-8-16-2-8-1-18-11-1). (8-2-16-8-15-3-10-15-1-16 )-(9-1-8-19-5-8-1-9-16-1). (15-10-3-15-1-16-9-1-8-3)-(17-8-1-9-16-1-15-11-4-15). (1-16-9-1-8-17-3-8-15-9-2).

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(@32c) (15-1-20-13-1-8)-(2-16-8-15-3-10-15-1-16-9). (1-8-4-18-8-1-9-16-1-8)-(16-2-8-1-10-17-1-8-2-16). (8-15-5-12-15-1-16-9-1-8)-(17-3-8-15-9-2-15-1-18-11). (1-8-2-16-8-15-3-10-15-1)-(16-9-1-8).

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Use RIGHT EYE and LEFT EYE on (I); receive MADNESS CAP. Use EYES and LIPS on (J); receive CAP OF MADNESS. Go to the Chapels. Use MADNESS CAP and MADNESS CAP on (K). Press (L). Press (M). Press (N). Go (Oh). Go (P).

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Solution (@33): Press (B-A-B-C-A-C-B-A-C-A)-(C-B-A-C-B-A-C-A-B-C) -(A-C-A-B-C-A-B-C-A-C)-(A-B-C-A-C-B-A-C-B-A)-

(C-A-B-C-A-C-A-B-C-A)-(B-C-A-C-B-A-C-A-C-B)-(A-C-B -A-C-A-C-B-A-C)-(A-B-C-A-B-C-A-C-B-A)-(C-A-C-B-A-C -B-A-C-A)-

(C-B-A-C-A-B-C-A-B-C). (A-C-A-B-C-A-C-B-A-C)-(B-A-C-A-B-C-A-C-A-B)-(C-A-B -C-A-C-B-A-C-A)-(C-B-A-C-B-A-C-A-C-B)-

(A-C-A B-C-A-B-C-A-C)-(B-A-C-A-C-B-A-C-B-A-C-A).

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Press (Px2); receive a KEY. Use KEY on (Q). Solve the HOP (R). HOP Solution (@): Arrange the tiles as shown. Receive BELL. Go down. Use BELL on (S). Take the MOON (T). Go down.

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Use MOON and press (U). Go (V). Receive CRUMPLED CLUE (W). Use the CRUMPLED CLUE and press (Xx9).

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Solution (@34). Receive the HANDLE.

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Use HANDLE and select (Yx2); receive BROKEN SPEAR. Use the SPEARHEAD and MACHETE on the BROKEN SPEAR; receive a SPEAR. Use SPEAR on (Z); press (Yx2); receive a YELLOW PLATE. Go down. Use DWARF GLOVE on (A). Go to the Ghost Palace. Use the YELLOW PLATE on (B) and press (C). Go to the Dead Garden.

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Take URI’S BODY (D). Use SPACE PIERCER; select (E); get FRAME. Use TRIANGULAR ELEMENT on (F). Press (G); receive a BUTTON. Use SPACE PIERCER; press (H).

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Use BUTTON on (I). Use MACHETE on (J); receive YUDNAR’S HAIR LOCK. Go to the Reincarnation Falls. Use JUDNAR’S HAIR on (K), use URI’S BODY on (L). Go to the Gates of the City of Souls. Use FRAME and FRAME on (M).

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Solution (@ 35).

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Go (N). Take the POWDER JARS (O). Use SPACE PIERCER; press (P). Select and use POWDER JARS on (Q).

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Solution (@36): Press (1-R)-(2-S)-(5-S)-(10-S), clear, press (2-R)-(7-R)-(5-S )-(8-R), clear, press (5-R)-(7-R)-(3-S)-(12-S), clear, press (3-R)-(2-S)- (6-S)-(9 S), clear, press (4-R)-(6-S)-(7-S)-(11-R). Receive BLINDING DUST. Go to the Secret Room.

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Use BLINDING DUST on (T); receive RED PLATE and CHEST KEY. Go to the Ghost Palace. Use RED PLATE on (U) and press (V). Go to the Secret Room. Use CHEST KEY on (W).

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Solution (@37): rotate (8)-(3-1-5-4-7-2-6). Receive BLUE PLATE and TRIANGULAR ELEMENT. Go to the Ghost Palace.

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Use BLUE PLATE on (X) and press (Y). Go to the Temple of Buldan. Use TRIANGULAR ELEMENT on (Z); receive a THREE-EDGED KEY. Go to the Secret Room.

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Use the THREE-EDGED KEY on (A). Solve the HOP (B). CPF Solution (@ 1): Click (ECFD). WBS solution (@ 2). Receive the HORN OF THE ELEMENTS. Go to the Reincarnation Falls. Use ELEMENTAL HORN on (G).

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Solution (@38): Press (3-2-4-1-2-4-1).

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Go (H).

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Solution (@39): Press (IJKLM)-(NOPQR).

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Press (S). Congratulations! You have completed the Collector’s Edition of Lost Lands: Redemption!

Lost Lands 7: Ghost and Collectibles

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Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (126)

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (127)

Collectibles are marked in red, ghost items are marked in green.

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Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (129)

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (130)

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (131)

Collectibles E-N.

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (132)

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (133)

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (134)

Collectibles I-K.

Article author:

Nadezhda D. - website editor and article author, in the project since July 2019. Nadezhda is interested in manga and anime. Loves MMORPGs, role-playing and adventure games. Currently actively playing Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Nadezhda has prepared many articles about completing casual games, quests and puzzles. Her works are very popular among readers. More information about Nadezhda is available at this link.

Lost Lands 7: Redemption - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step (2024)


What is the story of the lost lands game? ›

Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure on Steam. Persecuted by ill fate, the elven nation land on a lost island. They'll need sharp blades as well as sharp minds to survive. An exciting hidden-object adventure game which tells the story of an ancient elven tribe forced to survive on a long-lost island.

How do you solve for land? ›

Multiplying length by width gives you the area, or the space inside the boundary of your property. Acreage is simply one measure of area. An easy way to remember the formula for area is A (area) = L (length) x W (width), which is the exact calculation done in this step.

Will there be a Lost Lands 9 game? ›

Lost Lands 9 emerges as an adventurous game in the Hidden Objects genre, offering an array of mini-games, intricate puzzles, compelling characters, and challenging quests to captivate players.

In what order should I play the Lost Lands games? ›

Lost Lands: The Wanderer

1-Dark Overlord; 2-The Four Horsemen; 3-Golden Curse; 4-The Wanderer; 5-Ice Spell; 6-Mistakes of the Past (although I haven't played 5 and 6 yet). Although you certainly can play in any order, in my opinion, the Developers have progressively improved the quality of the games in this series.

How many stages are at Lost Lands? ›

With ten stages and thousands of people, Lost Lands is full of excitement and anticipation.

How long does lost lands go for? ›

Festival Info. The 7th annual Lost Lands Festival returns to Legend Valley in Thornville, OH on September 20th-22nd, 2024! Join us for the classic Lost Lands Pre-Party inside the venue on Thursday, September 19th by adding any Early Entry ticket to your order.

How do you solve the mystery of the Lost Woods? ›

In order to find your way, use a torch or any other flammable weapon and light it at the two torches. Conveniently, there's an unlit torch leaning against one of the stands. Stand still and look at the embers flying off the top of the torch. They will be blowing slightly in the direction you need to go.

Who puts on lost lands? ›

Who owns Lost Lands? Lost Lands is owned by Excision, who is also the founder and curator of the festival.

How do you get the grapnel in Lost Lands 1? ›

There's a HOP there. (Hidden Object Puzzle). In this HOP, one of the objects to get is a "grapnel" and there is supposed to be a knife on the right side (on the side of mine cart), that you click on then cut the rope allowing you to get the Grapple.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.