At 95, still master of the crossword puzzle (2025)

It all began because, about 60 years ago, Bernice Gordon found television a bore, except for Milton Berle.

So instead of watching a box with black-and-white pictures, she started creating her own black-and-white boxes: crossword puzzles.


More than a thousand published puzzles later, Gordon, age 95, is still at it, and the honors keep rolling in.

Last week, the woman who put the & in answers like SC&INAVIA, and once did an X-rated set for the Happy Hooker, was recognized as one of a handful of people contributing puzzles to the New York Times for at least 50 years. Each had a puzzle published, and hers set a record - as the Germantown High grad became the Times' oldest crossword constructor ever.

"Somebody said I should be in the Guinness Book of World Records!" Gordon proclaimed in her apartment across from Philadelphia's Franklin Institute.

She wasn't bragging, just being honest in her own charming way.

Despite arthritic knees that require a walker, Gordon hefted a large leather-bound folder.

Inside was a letter from Universal Crosswords, whose puzzles appear in hundreds of newspapers. Universal, it announced, had bestowed on her its first lifetime-achievement prize and had also named its annual constructor award after her.

Universal editor Tim Parker, who signed that letter in 2000, still marvels. "Just today I received three of her latest puzzles, and after giving them a quick scan, I can confirm that she's still got it," he said last week.

Every day, Gordon fashions a new puzzle on her computer - a tool she started using only this decade.

"I never saw anybody who is as prolific," she declared.

"I cracked the Wall Street Journal for the first time about six months ago."

She said "calling a spade a spade" is her secret to long life. "I don't mince words."

For example: "They cut my head open and took out a piece of my brain," she said, describing a benign tumor removed about four years ago.

Luckily, the plum-sized lump "didn't destroy any of the neural pathways," said her son Bruce Lanard, 69, a retired pathologist.

She has her wit - as in sense of humor - about her, too. In the old days, she said, a cruciverbalist - her favored term for a crossword creator - had to tread carefully. For instance, a "boob," she said, could not be "a breast."

She also told about a five-letter clue that, she said, got an editor fired: "The - mightier than the sword."

The bookcase in her study speaks volumes - dictionaries, to be precise - about her puzzle-making, but the nearby artworks - abstract collages and meticulous needlework she created - reveal her artistry.

A month after earning a fine-arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1935, she married Benjamin Lanard, cofounder of the local commercial real estate firm Lanard & Axilbund.

On their honeymoon, they toured Europe and Egypt, motifs of which emerge in her needlework and puzzles.

"If I was ever reincarnated, I would want to be Cleopatra," said Gordon, who celebrated her 90th birthday in Egypt.

They had two sons, Benjamin Jr. and Bruce. After her husband died in the late 1940s, she married a businessman who worked long hours, and they added a daughter, Amanda, to the family.

Gordon had loved doing crosswords as a child, so as a young mother spurning TV, she decided to try her hand at creating them.

With griddy determination, she started submitting to the legendary Margaret Farrar, first puzzle editor at the Times.

"I started at the top. I wouldn't settle for less," Gordon said.

In 1952, she cracked the Times with a weekday puzzle. She was paid $5 or $10 for it.

It was the first of 150 or more she would create for the Times, according to current editor Will Shortz.

Three years later, she placed her first Sunday stumper, one of nine, said Shortz, who will host the national Sudoku championship in Philadelphia on Oct. 24. "I'm a very determined creature. If I make up my mind to do something, I do it," said Gordon, who makes $35 to $350 a puzzle these days.

In the mid-1960s, Gordon made puzzle history by introducing answers such as COWBOYS&INDIANS, with symbols or icons in them.

When she sent a puzzle with 10 ampersands to the Times, Farrar rejected it. Six months later, Farrar changed her mind.

"America was wild!" said Gordon. "They said it was cheating." The newspaper sent her a batch of letters, many angry and insulting.

No matter. She went further, expecting solvers would deduce the need for a tiny drawing in the midst of a phrase or word - so JIMMY*TER or BI*BONATE required a "car."

She also dared to create a quartet of naughty crosswords at the request of Xaviera "The Happy Hooker" Hollander, whom her lawyer son Benjamin met in Spain.

When Gordon told her that she knew only one dirty word, Hollander supplied a list - and agreed to write the clues.

Gordon initially had refused to meet the very-public prostitute but eventually found her "so kind, so good and generous" that they became friends, and last year Hollander stopped by to say hello on her way to Hollywood.

Sometimes Gordon collaborates with her "special, special boyfriend," Norman Wizer of Malvern, a veteran constructor who said he's "just a baby" at age 81. They recently won the award for best puzzle in the next Mega Crossword Puzzle Book from Simon & Schuster, he said.

"She is a wonderful, wonderful woman. The things that she does for her age are amazing," said the former accountant, who met Gordon at a New York puzzlers luncheon.

The Sunday Inquirer published Gordon's crosswords for years until a younger competitor, Merl Reagle, got the gig in the early '90s. "Merl's adorable!" Gordon said. "I always kid him, 'You took my job away.' . . . He hugs me and kisses me."

Florida resident Reagle, 59, got to know her when they were spectators at annual solving competitions.

"I can't tell you how much fun it was to sit and have those chats every year," he said. "As they say in old puzzles, she's a oner, meaning one of a kind, and I hope she's still making puzzles when she's 100!"

If she is still puzzling then, Gordon will have just seen the centennial of the modern crossword. The first appeared in December 1913 - a month before Gordon's birth - as the "Word-Cross" in the New York World.

Until then, she plans to continue setting records. Shortz has promised to publish another puzzle from her after she turns 96 in January.

"I have the letter!" she said.

At 95, still master of the crossword puzzle (2025)


Can people with dementia still do crossword puzzles? ›

“People with high IQs tend to do better with dementia because there is more cognitive reserve. However, once dementia sets in one cannot overcome the degenerative process by doing cognitive tasks like crossword puzzles. It may slow the process down somewhat though.”

Did Will Shortz get married? ›

Shortz and his partner recently got married at the table tennis club. "At first, I was in denial," said Shortz about his sexuality. "And then I tried to force myself to like women. And I think by the time I was in my early 30s, I accepted the way I was.

Do crossword puzzles help the elderly? ›

They perform better on reasoning, attention, and memory tasks. The study also showed that seniors who often complete crosswords and other word-based puzzles have a brain function equivalent to that of a person ten years younger.

Who is the famous crossword puzzle maker? ›

Margaret Farrar is probably the most important person in the world of the crossword puzzle. It was exactly thirty-five years ago that the great crossword-puzzle craze began to sweep this country.

Can a daily crossword puzzle slow cognitive decline? ›

Participation in cognitively stimulating leisure activities such as crossword puzzles may delay onset of the memory decline in the preclinical stages of dementia, possibly via its effect on improving cognitive reserve.

What is not helpful for a person with dementia? ›

'Elderspeak' - which can involve talking in a high-pitched voice, using words like 'love' or 'deary', and generally speaking to the person like they are a child - should be avoided. This can be patronising and infantilising for a person with dementia. Try this instead: Always remember the person behind the dementia.

Did Will Shortz have a stroke in real life? ›

Shortz had a stroke on February 4, 2024, and has been in rehabilitation.

What's the matter with Will Shortz? ›

NPR puzzlemaster Will Shortz says he is recovering from a stroke : NPR. NPR puzzlemaster Will Shortz says he is recovering from a stroke Shortz, who has been absent from NPR's Sunday Puzzle in recent weeks, announced that his absence was due to a stroke in early February.

What does cruciverbalist mean? ›

: a person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles.

How many puzzle pieces should a senior have? ›

A large piece puzzle also makes it easier for older adults who have trouble with fine motor skills. If you're not sure, start with a 50 or 100 large piece puzzle. If they find that one to be too easy or too hard, you'll know to increase or decrease the number of pieces next time.

What happens if you do puzzles every day? ›

They improve visual and spatial reasoning

You need to look at individual parts of a jigsaw puzzle, or available spaces in a crossword puzzle and figure out how to fit the pieces or words into their space. If done regularly, this will improve your visual and spatial reasoning skills.

Are crossword puzzles really good for your brain? ›

Research has shown a positive correlation between crossword puzzles and daily life functions, especially for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Experts emphasize that larger clinical trials are needed to unravel the observed associations between crossword puzzles and how our brains function.

What is the most used word in crossword puzzles? ›

“ERA” is the most common word in crossword puzzles, as well as “ARE,” “AREA,” and “ORE,” according to Gaffney.

What is the most famous crossword puzzle? ›

Perhaps the most famous is the November 5, 1996, puzzle by Jeremiah Farrell, published on the day of the U.S. presidential election, which has been featured in the movie Wordplay and the book The Crossword Obsession by Coral Amende, as well as discussed by Peter Jennings on ABC News, featured on CNN, and elsewhere.

What were crossword puzzles originally called? ›

His first crossword, or 'Word-Cross' as he called it, did not look like the present ones – it was diamond shaped with no black squares.

Should dementia patients do puzzles? ›

In any stage of Dementia or Alzheimer's, puzzles are said to ease some of the symptoms and provide stimulating comfort to the patients, as well as provide a sense of control. Puzzles can reawaken memories in patients and improve mental speed and thought processes.

Can people with dementia do word search puzzles? ›

Recommended Types of Puzzle/Word Games for Persons Living with Dementia. Puzzle/word games can be extremely beneficial for persons living with dementia. For example, word searches, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, and memory games are all excellent activities that can help them develop and keep their cognitive skills.

What games can help with dementia? ›

Crossword puzzles, word games, word searches, anagrams, and more focus on language, word recall, and word arrangement—all beneficial for warding off dementia in older adults. The more recently viral game Wordle is another beneficial brain game that can stimulate activity that protects brain function.

Can people with dementia still read? ›

Can people with dementia read? Reading is a skill that is generally preserved and intact in the procedural memory of an elderly person. Like brushing teeth or using a spoon, the ability to read is automatic and often remains to some degree functional even in the later stages of dementia.

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