8 Ways to Safely Treat Toenail Fungus at Home (2025)

8 Ways to Safely Treat Toenail Fungus at Home (1)

In This Article

The Final TakeawayApply Vicks VapoRubTry Snakeroot ExtractCover the Affected Area in Oregano OilSoak Your Feet in Vinegar

Luxuriate in Lavender OilApply or Consume GarlicConsider Embracing a Healthier DietTry an Over-the-Counter Ointment

Here at Byrdie, we strive to eliminate the stigma around any and all beauty ailments, especially the ones that can bruise our egos. Enter toenail fungus. While it sounds gross, nail fungus, in general, is quite common and can be caused by many things, from unsanitized nail salons and excessive sweating to athlete's foot and walking barefoot in communal areas (pools, shower rooms, gyms, etc.).If you notice symptoms presenting in the form of yellowing, cracking, and thickening of the nails, you might have a fungus.

Although toenail fungus often requires prescriptions such as oral medications or medicated nail lacquers, some at-home treatments may help to improve the appearance. To find out what they are, we went to board-certified dermatologists Marie Hayag, MD, and Marisa Garshick, MD, and podiatrist Francisco Oliva, DPM.

Meet the Experts

  • Marie Hayag, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist practicing in Manhattan. She is an assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai Hospital and also teaches in the Dermatology Department’s surgery clinic.
  • Marisa Garshick, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology.
  • Francisco Oliva, DPM, is a Miami-based podiatrist who has been in private practice for 25+ years.

Ahead, with the help of the experts, we reveal the best ways to treat toenail fungus at home.

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Apply Vicks VapoRub

According to a 2011 clinical study in The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, researchers found that applying Vicks VapoRub to the affected area reduced fungus for some participants.

"It is thought that its active ingredients—camphor and eucalyptus oil—have shown a reduction of toenail fungus among the participants," Hayag explains. "However, it is important to note that the sample size of the subjects was small in this study, and not all subjects experienced a reduction in their toenail fungus."

That said, considering 15 of the 18 participants experienced a positive effect, it might just be worth a try. Just keep in mind that the results took 48 weeks, so it's by no means a fast-acting solution.

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Try Snakeroot Extract

According to a 2008 study, routinely applying Snakeroot to toenails can help clear a fungal infection. "The study suggested that applying snakeroot extract on the affected toenails every third day for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month can be just as effective as the prescription anti-fungal medicine ciclopirox," Hayag explains. "This anti-fungal plant can be found online and is relatively inexpensive."

When applying Snakeroot extract, add a few drops to each affected nail directly, or soak a cotton pad or gauze and tape it to the toenail for longer-lasting absorption.

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Cover the Affected Area in Oregano Oil

Believe it or not, the tasty herb can also work wonders for treating toenail fungus at home. According to a 2020 study published in The Journal of Skin Appendage Disorders, researchers found that oregano's antibacterial properties can inhibit fungal growth in nails when included in an essential oil blend.

"While the effectiveness of oregano oil has only been known anecdotally, thymol—a common component of oregano oil—has been reviewed to be an effective antibacterial and anti-fungal agent," Hayag says. "People with toenail fungus can apply the product to affected areas twice daily and expect no improvement, partial improvement, or complete improvement of their toenail fungus after using oregano oil."

That said, she mentioned that oregano oil is quite potent and can cause an adverse reaction if you have particularly sensitive skin. For this reason, she recommends starting with a patch test. Additionally, to prevent an adverse reaction, consider mixing oregano oil with a carrier oil, such as olive or avocado oil, to dilute its potency.

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Soak Your Feet in Vinegar

Here's another pantry item that can deliver optimal results for toenail fungal infections. According to Hayag, applying white vinegar to fungal-infected areas can prove worthwhile, thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Similar to oregano oil, applying white vinegar topically on fungus-infected toenails has some anecdotal evidence supporting its antibacterial benefits. "Soak your foot in one part vinegar to two parts warm water for up to 20 minutes daily," she suggests, saying that this can help with the fungus, help with just the discoloration, or it may not help at all, depending on how your toes react.

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Luxuriate in Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is known for being incredibly calming for the senses, sure, but it's also a great option for calming toenail fungal infections. According to a study published in The Journal of Medical Microbiology, lavender provides a powerful anti-fungal punch. "Lavender essential oil shows a potent anti-fungal effect against the strains of fungi responsible for toenail fungus and other skin fungal infections," Hayag explains. "When using lavender oil to treat toenail fungus, it is best to apply one to two drops of lavender oil to the affected nail and allow it to soak for 10 minutes." After soaking, she suggests gently scrubbing the area with a clean toothbrush and repeating the process daily until the infection has been resolved.

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Apply or Consume Garlic

A 2019 study indicates that garlic is an anti-fungal powerhouse, potentially making it a gem for treating toenail fungal infections. "It is best to place crushed or chopped garlic on the affected area daily," Hayag says. "It is important to take caution when following this remedy, as garlic [can potentially] cause chemical burns to the skin." To avoid any burns, there's also the option of taking garlic supplements to see if that might help clear things up.

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Consider Embracing a Healthier Diet

"It has been widely accepted that there is a correlation between a healthy diet and a healthy body," Hayag explains. "The healthier the person is, the more likely the person can fight off infections such as fungal toenail infections."

With this in mind, Hayag says that people should consider probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and high-protein foods to support nail growth; high-iron foods to prevent brittle nails; and foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. "While this may not cure toenail fungus, it can help the body fight off the fungus and promote an effective healing process," she explains.

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Try an Over-the-Counter Ointment

According to Garshick, there are FDA-approved products with ingredients to treat toenail fungus, which include zinc undecylenate and undecylenic acid. She adds that "key ingredients to look for in over-the-counter products include terbinafine, tolnaftate, and clotrimazole."

Garshick recommends the Fungi Nail Anti-Fungal Ointment, which contains tolnaftate, tea tree oil, and aloe. "This appointment may help to reduce fungus. It is convenient as it can be used on the nails or on the feet to help reduce any athlete's foot that may be associated," she says.

Kerasal's Fungal Nail Renewal is another topical treatment Garshick recommends. This over-the-counter product helps reduce discoloration and thickness associated with nail fungus. "Using urea helps to reduce the build-up of dead skin that leads to nail thickening, helping to alleviate any nail discomfort associated with fungus," she says.

The Final Takeaway

Knowing how to treat toenail fungus infections can come in handy. However, Oliva reminds us to manage our expectations. "The infection can take up to four to six months at a minimum to clear," he says, recommending a podiatry evaluation if you see no positive change in that time frame. "A successful treatment can be seen if the new nail part is growing clearer over the months of treatment."

With this in mind, as beneficial as it is to know how to treat toenail fungus should it crop up, learning how to prevent it is even more crucial. Hayag says the best way to do so is to wear socks that absorb sweat, wear shower shoes in locker rooms and pool areas, and practice good hand washing practices after touching your feet.

But there's good news—even if you develop a mild fungal toenail infection, Hayag says that for most people, it poses little to no discomfort and, in some cases, the fungus can go away on its own. "Most people can consider at-home remedies or... just allow their toenails to grow out on their own," she says. "However, if the toenail fungus is severe enough, or if someone is immune-compromised, it is best to consult a professional."

But please note: That's for mild fungal infections. If you notice your toe is swollen, red, or tender to the touch, consult a doctor. Additionally, if your toe feels hotter than the rest of your body, begins leaking pus, or the infection looks to be extending to the skin, schedule a doctor's appointment immediately. Hayag says the same goes if you develop a fever of 100.4 or higher in combination with a fungal infection.

"It is important to know that nail fungus can take time to recover, [and it takes] time for the healthy nail to grow out," says Garshick. "Additionally, involvement can spread to other nails, so it is best to treat early if you plan to treat."

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Article Sources

Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.

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8 Ways to Safely Treat Toenail Fungus at Home (2025)
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